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Passion Pragya

A little bit about me

Hi there, welcome to my website. I am Pragya, an 11-year-old Dubai-based girl who loves traveling and exploring life. I have been to more than 20 countries, and the diversity of cultures always fascinates me. Coming from a family of polyglots, for me learning 5 languages was quite natural. My name “Pragya” is from the Hindi, Sanskrit, and Pali languages, which means wisdom that leads to nirvana (coming out of the life and death cycle).

My teachers say I am quite good at writing, that is true, and I love to write interesting stories. I also, love to experiment with food which sometimes drives my parents crazy, but I don’t mind it.

What I Love!!

My mom gets scared when there is silence at home as she knows I must be up to something. 

Food Mood

Keynote Speaker

My speaking journey started when I was just 3 years old. I clearly remember when I was very young, I used to see my mom speaking at online and in-person sessions. Whenever she had an online session from home, I would sit and listen to her. Immediately after my mom finished her presentations, I would sit in her place and present using her slides.

I speak professionally now at events; it’s scary, but I still love it the most. I get a cortisol and dopamine rush at the same time while speaking, which is quite funny and strange. I love to speak and share knowledge about business, neuroscience, and interesting facts with the audience using real-life examples, stories, and humour. People say I am a good speaker; well, I don’t deny that either, as I love to speak as much as they love to listen to me.

I love to reflect on my work and try to improve upon it every time. Contact me if you are looking for an excellent young speaker at your events. 

Aspiring entrepreneur

I am an aspiring entrepreneur who does not hesitate to experiment at such a young age. I did many little businesses during my holidays, like selling my Halloween candies, doll dresses that I designed and stitched using old dresses. Once I sold fresh drumsticks at AED 2 each, which I plucked fresh from the equestrian club I visit frequently. I lead a kid’s food fest, a book sale, a little merchant market, and a lot more. With each business experience, I earn something and learn a lot. As I am in higher grades now, I have a lot of studies however somehow, I manage time to do what I love to do.

I learned that rejections hurt, but they are part and parcel of business, so we should learn from them and move on. Also, having a flexible approach attracts customers, and nothing can come close to the importance of listening to your customer’s needs. Also, I see that when we are open to exploring life, many new possibilities opens up for us to learn. 


I recently started my podcast with the name Passion Pragya, where I interview inspirational high achievers from different areas of work. I interviewed so many wonderful people and it truly inspires me. I also got an opportunity to be interviewed by Mr. Andrew Stotter, a top HR leader of 2023. I was quite excited and nervous as this was the first time someone was interviewing me; he asked some interesting questions, and I loved talking to him. I got to learn many new things from all my guests. One thing that is prominent among all is that you should never give up in life, no matter what. Be grittier when you want to achieve something in life. I am blessed to have the opportunity to interact with these great achievers in life.

Horse rider

I fell in love with horses the moment I sat on one for the first time. It has been years now, and each day I love them even more. I love being at the equestrian club and being around horses. I adore them, care for them, feed them, and, of course, ride them. I fell from the horse once while doing a high jump. That was terrifying for me and painful too. It took me almost 2–3 weeks to regain my confidence, but I learned one thing from this: you must get on the horse that throws you. Falling is avoidable, but getting up every time we fall is always a choice. I do high jumps now and love them. I want to own a horse one day; actually, the whole family of horses, and I just can’t wait for that day.

Social Responsibility Champion

We all share the same planet, and I understand we must help each other grow, share with underprivileged people, and protect our planet. I started to play my role in making our planet a better place for everyone at the very young age of 4 years. I supported various campaigns by collecting stationery for poor children, clothes for orphanage children, and food items for labour camp residents.

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